What qualities are needed to awaken the Kundalini Energy
There are three qualities that we must learn and possess if we wish to achieve any level of realization through tantric practice, especially Kundalini awakening. Without these qualities, it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to reach this goal.
Devotion: This means being clearly aware that the path we walk is reliable, safe, and efficient. Our trust in this path will be strengthened when we know from our own experience that we can and dare to dedicate ourselves to it because it genuinely leads us in the direction we want to go.
We must have trust in what we are doing. This is simple as long as we are in the presence of other practitioners or near our teacher. Spiritual practice is like a shared culture in such a safe environment; it is something we believe in, practice, and follow without feeling strange or out of place. But once we leave this artificially protective environment and return to the ‘real’ world, we can easily lose faith in our practice. The expectations and ideals of those around us put pressure on us and tempt us.
We find ourselves back in the everyday waste of daily existence, often without a way to turn it into something valuable. However, if our faith is strong and unshakable, our devotion to our practices will become stronger, and instead of being swept away by external events, we will be able to use them to our advantage.
A strategy for dealing with external criticism is to carefully observe the person trying to undermine us. Does this person have peace with themselves and their life? Do they love themselves? Do they radiate love, compassion, empathy, and kindness? Are they in inner peace and joy?
Determination: When we gain insight into the different elements of the practice, their steps, and their purpose, the paralyzing doubts that prevent us from following the path with firm determination will automatically disappear.
It is crucial that we make ourselves as aware as possible of the strong structure that holds our practices together. Some people have listened to and/or followed tantra lessons for years, yet they say, “I still don’t know how to begin.” “I’ve had different teachers who trained me, I’ve attended workshops and retreats, I’ve studied many different topics, I’ve learned about various meditations and methods, but I still don’t know how to reach my goal…”
These things happen when we lose sight of the structure underlying the practice. One of the beautiful and especially useful qualities of Maha Kundalini Tantra is that it offers a clear structure from beginning to end. When you feel lost, investigate for yourself, with the help of an experienced teacher, what this structure entails and then follow it in a steady and progressive manner.
One-Pointed Concentration: It is practically impossible to penetrate the depth of the practice and experience its essence if our concentration is not stable and focused.
For example, if we want to gain control over the various energies in our subtle nervous system, we cannot be satisfied with a vague, imprecise idea of where these energies are and how they function. Instead, we need to have as accurate an understanding as possible; this is only possible if we have a concentrated mind.
In this respect, Maha Kundalini Tantra is no different from other disciplines. People who are successful in what they do – whether it’s academic studies, sports, or anything else – all have one thing in common: well-developed concentration. Without this quality, one will not get very far.
It is often said that through the practice of tantra, all lust-driven activities can be transformed into consciousness. If our concentration is strong and we have trained ourselves well, we can precisely follow what our physical, emotional, and mental reactions are to everything that happens in our life. All the energies that are awakened can be channeled so that they transform into an inner fire that increases around the navel.
This warmth sends much blissful energy to the nervous system. This energy creates the hormonal composition we need to raise the energy upward to the Anahata (heart chakra), and we can experience moments of non-duality. For the person who knows what they are doing, everything in life becomes an opportunity and a chance to touch the true reality. It is not a matter of wishing or pretending; no, this really happens. You truly experience it.
But normally, we have no contact with our inner reality. For example, when we drink or eat, we are generally not directly aware of what is happening with our tongue, stomach, nervous system, body, and mind. This is in contrast to the experienced tantrika, who knows exactly what is happening and can manipulate the energy according to their needs.