- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers are committed to upholding the highest standards of professional competence and integrity.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers dedicate themselves to studying, teaching, promoting, and disseminating the way of life based on the teachings of DaniëL Yuno.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers strive to stay informed and continue their studies of the methods taught by DaniëL Yuno.
- Active members of IMKTTA who are Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers may use the trademark design registered with the European Patent and Trade Mark Department in DaniëL Yuno’s name.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers are committed to improving the health and well-being of their students and the community, respecting students’ rights and opinions, and adhering to local laws.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers conduct themselves with honesty and integrity in all dealings with students and the community.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers will not offer medical advice or advice that could be interpreted as such, unless they have the necessary medical qualifications.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers avoid all forms of sexual harassment and are truthful in their intimate relationships.
- Any sexual activity between a teacher and a student should explicitly serve the purpose of teaching Maha Kundalini Tantra.
- Any private sexual activity between a teacher and a student must be clearly understood and agreed upon by both parties and documented in writing with the student’s signature.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers acknowledge the power imbalance between teacher and student and strive to avoid exploiting this trust. They also recognize that dual relationships may complicate or undermine the student-teacher dynamic.
- A dual relationship exists when a teacher and student interact outside the formal student-teacher context. Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers are especially cautious when such a relationship is intimate in nature.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers will not impose their personal opinions on students, but will support each individual’s right to express their views, provided these views do not harm others or incite discrimination. Teachers must also communicate that Maha Kundalini Tantra teachings may lead to transformative changes in attitudes and ideas. If a student’s views hinder this process, the teacher may choose to discontinue the teaching relationship and, if possible, find a respectful way to end it.
- When appropriate, Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers will help students find another teacher when the student-teacher relationship is compromised.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers should guide students with awareness of their individual needs, drawing on the knowledge and experience outlined in this Code of Ethics.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers are expected to teach with goodwill, respect, and recognition of the energetic oneness of all beings at physical, mental, and spiritual levels.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers will make every effort to avoid exploiting students’ trust and dependency, encouraging students to find their inner source of wisdom.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers conduct themselves according to the teachings of Maha Kundalini Tantra.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers accept all students without judgment, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or cultural and religious beliefs.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers should live in harmony with the teachings and use their life as a practical example for others.
- Condemnation or criticism of other spiritual paths in public, the media, or within groups or classes is not permitted. A respectful, non-resistant attitude toward all beings and members of the Association must be maintained at all times.
- Information concerning the professional Association or its members may only be shared with outsiders or students when appropriate.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers practice tolerance toward other Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers and other tantric schools, methods, and traditions.
- Student information is confidential and should be managed professionally, with documentation stored securely.
- Any advertising of Maha Kundalini Tantra in any medium should meet professional standards and reflect the teacher’s genuine personal experience.
- Advertising or publishing of Maha Kundalini Tantra activities must include the official Maha Kundalini Tantra logo.
- Association members must not use their membership to promote political, social, or religious ideologies.
- Maha Kundalini Tantra Teachers welcome all students, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, or physical disability (subject to the teacher’s skill level).
- Any member found in violation of this Code of Ethics may have their IMKTTA membership suspended or revoked.
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © DaniëL Yuno – Maha Kundalini Tantra.