Spiritual growth parameters for the tantrika
The following parameters provide an accurate insight into your spiritual development on the path of Tantra.
Every discipline and field of work includes a feedback mechanism that makes individuals aware of their performance, growth, and progress. This feedback mechanism serves to monitor individuals and typically combines verbal feedback—provided by teachers, employers, colleagues, or clients—and non-verbal feedback, such as exams, written evaluations, performance metrics, productivity assessments, compliance with quotas, expectations, and hierarchies.
Each feedback mechanism is enforced through a system of rewards and punishments.
The spiritual realm also has various feedback mechanisms. Every religion and spiritual path has rules, norms, and values that act as guidelines and feedback systems. Some paths involve hundreds of rules of “do’s and don’ts.” There is often a clear hierarchy within different spiritual paths, providing practitioners with a clear understanding of their development and status. The spiritual world also employs a system of rewards and punishments.
The Tantric way of life (note: not the Tantric scriptures), based on physical, emotional, and mental freedom, lacks an external feedback mechanism. There are no exams, no performance requirements, and no hierarchy. There are no laws and rules, and the absence of judgment and restrictions is particularly characteristic.
So, how can the Tantrika evaluate their own progress in a spiritual world without rules, norms, and values? How can the Tantrika assess themselves without external or internal judgment? How can they evaluate their progress in the absence of a reward-and-punishment system, and without concepts of right and wrong, holy and unholy, etc.?
The only feedback mechanism in Tantra is daily and continuous introspection, which the Tantrika practices consistently until it becomes a habit. This feedback mechanism is based on Universal energetic laws and the self-chosen, desired qualities of the Tantrika.
The foundation of the Tantric feedback mechanism is the seed at the core of every form of Love: Self-Love. The Tantrika uses their life to anchor the following four principles into their being. Each of these principles is essential to achieving the Tantrika’s ultimate goal: the experience of Unity with Creation.
This is the Beginning of Everything.
Living in harmony on a physical, mental, and emotional level.
Self-Love means being in harmony with your thoughts.
Self-Love means being in harmony with your emotions.
Self-Love means being in harmony with your actions.
Self-Love means being in harmony with your body.
Self-Love means showing no resistance to yourself!
Humility is based on three principles:
Living by the principle: “My thoughts are not truth.”
Accepting: “Everything is always as it should be.”
Not interfering with another’s free will unless they infringe upon the free will of a third party.
Judgment is a part of humility. When you judge in the form of thoughts or words, you act contrary to the first principle of humility.
Judgment blinds you and blocks your spiritual growth. It creates disharmony within and around you. By adhering to the illusion of your thoughts, you transform them into a “truth” in your mind. This perceived “truth” then becomes the justification for acting as a “judge,” passing judgment on everything and everyone, measuring, criticizing, and condemning.
The path from judgment to carrying out a verdict is very short.
A Tantrika must transform their judgments into choices. Choosing instead of judging.
To overcome judgment, you must ask yourself the following question in every situation in life:
How can I use this situation to develop, enhance, and anchor my desired qualities, transforming these qualities into habits?
Shift from taking more to giving more.
From stagnating (consuming) to creating (flowing).
A consumer depletes—while a producer adds value.
A producer contributes their energy to the world, inspiring Self-Love in others.
The ultimate choice is to take less and give more, becoming a source of Love and harmony accessible to all.
Every evening, before going to sleep, until the end of your life, ask yourself the following questions:
How was my day in relation to the four points above (Self-Love, Humility, Freedom from Judgment, and Giving instead of Taking)?
Did I use today’s events appropriately to develop, enhance, and anchor my desired qualities, transforming them into habits?
Have my thoughts and actions today increased my Self-Love and inner harmony?
Use your answers to make choices!