Aside from their function as energetic centers, the chakras also function as transformers, receptors and processing centers of energies from physical, astral and causal dimensions. Physical, mental and emotional energies can be transformed into consciousness expanding energy. Energies can be transformed into different types of energy. Chakras are the connectors between energies and dimensions. They can send energy from one dimension to another. Chakras are seen as the intermediary for the transmission of energy and the conversion between dimensions, as well as the facilitator for the conversion of energy between body and spirit. When the chakras are consciously and deliberately activated, manipulated and awakened, one does not only become aware of the higher consciousness-broadening energies of our existence, but one also gains access these areas and the possibility to experience them while living in the lower, more physical dimensions at the same time.
The word Chakra means wheel, or circle. The chakras are both physiological and psychic hubs. These hubs aren’t situated in the spinal cord itself, but are like crossroads on the inner walls of the spinal column. Every chakra receives and reacts to specific universal energetic frequencies, and spreads these throughout the entire body. Every chakra shares a two-way connection with an endocrine gland. The Bindu chakra absorbs the Universal awareness and then sends the energy to the third chakra, the Manipura. The Manipura splits the energy into dual components (Yin & Yang) that are then can be used in the process of self-manifestation, and/ or is being sent through the energy rivers, called nadis, on to the nerve system, the endocrine glands and then the blood to nourish the body.
The most important chakras are:
The first chakra is Muladhara, also called root chakra. It is situated in the pelvic floor, and corresponds to the coccygeal nerve plexus at the beginning of the spinal column. In the male body, this is between the penis and the anus, in the form of a small dormant gland, the perineum. In the female body, the location is at the rear of the cervix. Muladhara is connected to, is influenced by, and has influence on the sexual glands.
The second chakra is Svadhisthana, or sacral chakra, and is situated on the lowest point at the end of the spinal column. It corresponds to the sacral nerve system. Svadhisthana is connected to, is influenced by, and has influence on the adrenal glands.
The third chakra is Manipura or navel chakra, and is situated in the spinal column at the height of the navel. It corresponds to the solar plexus and regulates the process of digestion, assimilation and temperature regulation in the body. Manipura is connected to, is influenced by, and has influence on the pancreas.
The fourth chakra is Anahata, the heart chakra, and is situated in the spinal column behind the bottom of the heart. It corresponds to the cardiac plexus of the nerve system and regulates the functions of the heart, the longs, the midriff and other organs in this part of the body. Anahata is connected to, is influenced by, and has influence on the thymus.
The fifth chakra is Vishuddha, the throat chakra, and can be found in the spinal column at the height of the throat. This chakra corresponds to the cervical plexus of the nerve system and regulates the function of the thyroid, the speech system, the palate, and the function of the epiglottis. Vishuddha is connected to, is influenced by, and has influence on the thyroid.
The sixth is Ajna, and is situated on the midline of the brain right above the spinal column. Ajna is connected to, is influenced by, and has influence on the pineal gland. There are two other, higher centers in the brain, which, in Kundalini Tantra and Yoga, are commonly referred to as ‘Bindu’ and ‘Sahasrara’.
The Bindu is up on the back of the head. This is the point where the One divides itself into many. The Bindu is the seat of the nectar or Amrit.
Sahasrara is the crown chakra and the ultimate pinnacle of Kundalini shakti. It is the seat of higher consciousness. Sahasrara is situated on top of the head and is connected to, is influenced by, and has influence on the pituitary gland (Hypophysis), which regulates every gland and every system in the body. The Sahasrara is the seat of the Highest Universals Spirit (Parabrahman) at the end of Sushumna. When the Kundalini energy reaches Sahasrara, the practitioner has risen above all barriers and has become a freed soul (Siddha), free of all illusions of thoughts and physical structures.
Chakra pairs are used to balance energy between one chakra and its paired chakra.
• Sahasrara, 7th chakra, is paired with Muladhara, 1st chakra.
• Ajna, 6th Chakra, is also paired with Muladhara, 1st chakra, in combination with Svadhisthana, 2nd Chakra.
• Vishuddha, 5th chakra, is paired with Svadhisthana, 2nd chakra.
• Anahata, 4th chakra, is paired with Manipura, 3rd Chakra.
• Muladhara, 1st chakra, is paired with Sahasrara, 7th chakra, and Ajna, 6th Chakra.
Aside from many exercises in Maha Kundalini Tantra in which the practitioner is asked to focus on the chakras in the spinal column, there are also exercises that ask attention for the kshetram of the chakras. Some people find it easier to concentrate on the chakra kshetram (location) on the front of the body. A kshetram can be considered as a reflection of the original chakra trigger point. When we focus on the kshetram, a sensation can be created that the nerves will then carry to the chakra itself. Chakras have a physical manifestation that can be localized on the front and back of the body, on the same horizontal axis.
The Muladhara kshetram is at the perineum.
The Swadhisthana kshetram is at the pelvic bone, right above the sexual organ.
The Manipura kshetram is at the navel.
The Anahata kshetram is at the height of the heart.
The Vishuddha kshetram is above the sternum, in the little pit at the bottom of the neck near the thyroid.
The Lalana kshetram lies in the soft palate in the mouth, behind the uvula at the entrance of the throat.
The Ajna kshetram, also called Bhrumadhya, is the middle point between the eyebrows.
The Bindu kshetram is at the back of the head. This point is located about 2 finger widths above the point where the bones of the back and side of the skull meet.
The Sahasrara kshetram is just above the highest point on your head.

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